The 5R Pillers for Continuous Self-Growth



  • Ask & Be curious 
  • Get quick and broad insights
  • Learn from every-one/where
  • No one will spoon-feed you



  • Review & Analyze
  • Find "what" the message is
  • Take an in-depth look
  • Do the pros & cons 



  • Step back & look at the whole picture
  • Explore "then what" instead
  • Look at yourself as a stranger 
  • Recognize your thought patterns 



  • Keep your values first
  • Use the stimuli istead of being used by it
  • Choose your battles
  • End self judgement & Make failures your friends



  • Share your thoughts
  • Drive change or adapt to it
  • Choose the right time
  • Create new thought pattern

       Seeking is like planting seeds. It will take time for them to grow and for you to harvest their fruits. Every person has a purpose, and it won't be visible to you unless you reach out and use the power of asking questions, and it starts with asking yourself those questions. If you are not six years old and reading this, then reclaim that kid's curiosity. Everything will be connected at some point. Begin with a wide spectrum, and as you move forward, narrow it down to the things you want to focus on, but keep exploring at the same time. Audiobook summary apps (like Blinkist, Headway, Storyshots, etc.) will be helpful and convenient, especially with the current rapid pace of life, as you will know what's in that book for you in minutes. Not to mention that you will be able to listen while doing other activities like walking, working out, driving, or even taking a shower. No one will know what you want and will spoon-feed you that information unless you figure it out yourself. However, Everyone has something you can learn from, no matter the age or education. Avoid being too emotionally attached to one author/source so you won't be biased or have limited perceptions.

Quote of the Month


Whether you want to apply the first R and reach out or have your own quotes and would like to share them on this website, please write your thoughts in the message below with your name and email address, and they will be reviewed and shared accordingly.


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More pages will be available soon, so stay tuned.

Also, any support or advice is appreciated

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